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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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in the western country will come forward, and by a
memorial press the subject on the legislature, we
shall not be likely to get any thing done. Please
write me as soon as convenient; and believe me, very
respectfully and truly, thy affectionate friend,

To ROBERT TROUP, ESQ. New York, 11th month, 11th, 1815. RESPECTED FRIEND,

My friend, Judah Colt

, Esq. of Erie, proposed for
me to send the inclosed letter for Samuel Huntington,
Esq. to thy care, as he could not inform me to what
place to direct it; thou wilt please forward it to our
friend, Samuel Huntington, as soon as in thy power.
I have left the letter open for thy perusal, and should
be glad if thou wouldst take a copy of it, which may
serve to show to thy friends, as you are all equally
interested in the subject alluded to in the letter—and
if it meets thy approbation, I should be glad if thou
would act in the same manner, as if it was addressed
immediately to thyself. This important subject, I
trust, will claim thy most serious and close attention,
and that with our friend Huntington, you will jointly
adopt some plan, to excite an interest in the minds
of your most intelligent and influential characters,
in different parts of the State. I am, however, well
satisfied, that nothing would so effectually hasten the
business, as a communication being made on the
subject from your legislature to ours. Very few of
the members of our legislature are acquainted with
the geography of your country, and the close con-
nexion of your waters with Lake Erie, by which a
communication may be easily opened extending to
the Hudson, binding together the interests of both
States, by means of a close friendship, and extended
trade and commerce. I shall be much pleased to hear
from thee by mail, and am, &c.

To E. AUSTIN, Ohio.