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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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Holdgate, near York, 20th of 7th month, 1815. DEAR FRIEND,

It was pleasing to me to receive a letter from thee,
with the testimony of thy continued remembrance
and regard; and it afforded me additional satisfac-
tion to believe, that as life advances, and its close
approaches, thy solicitude for the welfare of thy fel-
low creatures, and a preparation for thy own final
well being, is more and more ardent and impressive.
A little longer period will manifest to us both, the
infinite importance of this solicitude and preparation.

I am pleased to perceive by thy letter, that many
of you at New York

, are deeply interested in pro-
moting the recovery and relief of insane persons; and
I hope you will be encouraged in the pursuit of this
benevolent and good work.

I did not know how I could better answer thy
views and wishes, respecting your proposed asylum,
than by putting thy pamphlet and letter into the
hands of my benevolent and zealous friend, Samuel

, who has paid great attention to this subject;
and I am gratified with introducing you to the
acquaintance of each other.

Thy request to me respecting the plan for an asy-
lum, came very seasonably. The magistrates for the
West Riding of Yorkshire

, intending to erect an insti-
tution for pauper lunatics, advertised for plans, and
gave out correspondent instructions. The result was,
the production of a great number and variety of
plans. That one which obtained the preference and
the highest premium, thou will find delineated in
the Practical Hints of Samuel Tuke, which I send
to thee with this letter. This pamphlet was very
lately published, and was composed by him, to satisfy
the justices on several important points; and I believe
it received their warm approbation. The work will,
I doubt not, be very gratifying to thee. Thou will
perceive that, in order to adapt the plan to your
views at New York, he has introduced into it some