It was pleasing to me to receive a letter from thee,
with the
testimony of thy continued remembrance
and regard; and it afforded
me additional satisfac-
tion to believe, that as life advances, and
its close
approaches, thy solicitude for the welfare of thy
low creatures, and a preparation for thy own final
being, is more and more ardent and impressive.
A little longer
period will manifest to us both, the
infinite importance of this
solicitude and preparation.
I am pleased to perceive by thy letter, that many
of you at
New York
moting the recovery and relief of insane persons; and
I hope you will be encouraged in the pursuit of this
benevolent and good work.
I did not know how I could better answer thy
views and wishes,
respecting your proposed asylum,
than by putting thy pamphlet and
letter into the
hands of my benevolent and zealous friend,
and I am gratified with introducing you to the
acquaintance of each other.
Thy request to me respecting the plan for an asy-
lum, came very
seasonably. The magistrates for the
West Riding of Yorkshire
tution for pauper lunatics, advertised for plans, and
gave out correspondent instructions. The result was,
the production of a great number and variety of
plans. That one which obtained the preference and
the highest premium, thou will find delineated in
the Practical Hints of Samuel Tuke
to thee with this letter. This pamphlet was very
lately published, and was composed by him, to satisfy
the justices on several important points; and I believe
it received their warm approbation. The work will,
I doubt not, be very gratifying to thee. Thou will
perceive that, in order to adapt the plan to your
views at New York