hoping that, as you have
begun and entered in this
good path, you may stiil continue to
persevere there-
in ; and although we shall be absent some time
body, our hearts shall still be present with you.
It is evident, that many true philanthropists were
feelingly alive to the
state of the Indians. The Se-
cretary of State for the United States, at
that time
the Honourable Timothy Pickering
gaged for the welfare of the children of the forest.
He was a sagacious politician, of great hardihood of
character, and was always governed more by the
dictates of his understanding than the feelings of his
heart. He, as it will be seen by the foregoing letters,
from his own hand, did all in his power to aid and
abet the Society of Friends, in their benevolent efforts
for the Indians.
The subscriber certifies, that the following commu-
nications were
written by him, in short hand, as
they were delivered, at two
conferences held in the
city of Baltimore
1801, between several Indian chiefs, residing on the
waters of the Wabash, Lake Erie, and Lake Michigan,
and the committee for Indian affairs
the yearly meeting of the Society of Friends, held in
of the Society of Friends, and people of different
religious persuasions; and that it is acknowledged
by those who were present, that the communications
are taken down with accuracy.
I have perused the following speeches, written in
short hand by
Gerard T. Hopkins
delivered in the city of Baltimore