the mud from my legs and feet, and, finding
full of briars and thorns, you reached thither your
and plucked them all out, and applied the
healing oil of our
deceased ancestors upon them.
Grandchildren—Since your performance of this
kindness to your
grandfather, I see you clearly; I
see the tears running down on your
eyes, on the
account of the many losses in your Nation, and
many high trees that are fallen.
Grandchildren—Now, in remembrance of our an-
cient covenant, I
stretch forth my hands, and raise
up your head, and obliterate from
your eyes and mind
all tears and sorrow, and fix your eyes forward,
they may not be obstructed from looking forward
on the
happy days which are coming, in looking back
on the trees which are
Grandchildren—I also cleanse your ears, that you
may hear plainly ;
and strengthen your tongues, that
you may be enabled to speak the
things which are
profitable for your Nation, both temporally and
ritually. Likewise, I set your heart upright, that you
be capable of contemplating the welfare and
happiness of your old
men, women, and children.
Now, Grandchildren, attend.
By these strings you renew the kind invitation
you gave us, when we
saw each other in Philadel-
which we again thank you. Likewise, Grandchil-
dren, be it known unto you, that we have deeply
considered your invitation, and finding it heartily
sincere, and your dish a lasting good one, and your
paths so good and straight, we accept of your invi-
tation, and lay hold on it with both of our hands,
hoping that the great Good Spirit may enable and
protect us, in promoting each other's welfare and
happiness, and that we may live and die together by
the side of your fire-place.
Now, Grandchildren, I must tell you, now that I
am about turning my
eyes towards my fire-place,