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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Travels in Some Parts of North America

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We met again at three o'clock in the afternoon,
it being the eleventh sitting; when the meeting
proceeded in its deliberations on the revision of
the discipline.

4th Month, 27th.

The first day of the week I
attended the North Meeting in the forenoon; and
in the afternoon, that held in Market-street. At
the latter, R. M.

a friend from the neighbour-
hood of New-York, in the course of his testimony,
explained the difference between the terms wis-
dom and knowledge; the former embracing not
only the knowledge of what is right, but also the
practice of it; for this only, he said, was true
wisdom. On the other hand, how many, alas!
are possessed of the knowledge of what is right
and good, but fall short in firmness and integrity
to uphold and practice it. This, he said, was
knowledge, but not wisdom.

4th Month, 28th.

This morning, at nine o'clock,
I attended the twelfth sitting of the yearly meet-

; the fore part of which was occupied in the
further discussion of the report of the committee
on the revision of the discipline; and some altera-
tions were finally agreed upon, and others were
left for further consideration next year.

The meeting then proceeded to the reading
and consideration of several epistles addressed to