increase still continued to be so great, that the
establishment of a new yearly meeting in those
parts, began to be seriously
thought of.
I attended the eighth sitting
of the yearly meeting, which began at ten
this morning, and the whole of it was employed
consideration of the report brought in by
the committee appointed to revise
the discipline.
In the afternoon we met again, at three o'clock,
being the ninth sitting,
and proceeded in the con-
sideration of the report of the committee on
revision of the discipline.
We met again at nine o'clock,
being the tenth sitting. Friends were
during the whole time on the revision of the dis-
but chiefly on the subject of using and
dealing in spiritous liquors, and
of friends keeping
inns. Much was said to discourage the practice,
account of the exposed situation of the families
of those engaged in this
line of business. On the
other hand, it appeared to some, that were
inns in the hands of steady, consistent friends, it
would be a
great blessing to any country, and
would have a tendency considerably to
check that
torrent of profligacy and dissipation, which too
prevails in inns and taverns.