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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Travels in Some Parts of North America

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This individual is a remarkable instance of the
instability of human things. A very short time
since he was one of the most wealthy merchants
in this city, and stood high in the estimation of
friends, and that deservedly. By the Indians who
visited New-York, he was looked up to as a father;
and his house was always open to them. When
by a sudden reverse, arising from circumstances
which he could not controul, his property was
dissipated and lost.

9th Month, 3d and 4th,

were employed in busi-
ness. One day, in passing along the streets, I was
entertained with the sight of two Indian young
men, with each a bow and arrow in his hand, trip-
ping nimbly along, like two wild animals yet un-
broken to the yoke. I also attended the sale of a
forge and saw mill, with four dwelling-houses, and
50 acres of land, distant 40 miles from New-
York, and 10 miles from Hudson's River. The
whole sold for 270l. sterling. Before I left this
city, I wrote several letters to my family and friends
in England, by the Josiah, Collins.

9th Month, 12th.

I left New-York

in the stage,
for Philadelphia, arrived there the next day;
and, after staying one night, set out for Baltimore
in the stage, by way of Derby, Chester , Wilming-
, Head of Elk, and Havre-de-Grace. Here I