crossed the Susquehanna, a noble
river, being
about one mile over. Thence I proceeded to the
Gunpowder Falls, where I saw some
iron works.
I came to Baltimore
being pressingly invited by J. T. I took up my
quarters at his house. As I was a stranger in
Baltimore, and had no acquaintance with him, but
had accidentally met with him at a friend's house,
as I was delivering a letter, I felt the greater obli-
gation to him for his generous attention.
After being employed the fore-
part of the day in business, I was invited to
by G. M. an open-hearted old man, and father-
in-law to J. T.
with whom I spent part of the day.
In the afternoon I called upon G. M.
who, a consi-
derable time back, had emigrated with his father,
of the
same name, and several branches of the
family, into this country, out of
the northern parts
of Yorkshire.
I left Baltimore
evening, came to Washington City
the scite on which the Metropolis of the United
States is intended to be built; for, as yet, little is
done towards the foundation of a city, excepting
the public offices, and houses for the accommoda-
tion of the officers and clerks in the various de-