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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Bank of Faith and Works United

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Brothertown, where we had a very good meeting, at Isaac
place for worship, among the Close Communi-
cants, who are separated from the rest of their Baptist
brethren, called the Open Communicants, if I am rightly
informed. I had a meeting with the others before. The
Indians here strive to imitate the white people, and there
is no need of an interpreter, as they speak English. My
young friend took me back in her father’s chaise, which he
lent us, after meeting; as I have been much fatigued
with having to go beyond my strength: but to lay on a
good bed, in a comfortable clean house, revived my spirits,
knowing I was welcome there, and invited to tarry to rest
myself, and bring up my journal. The friendship of this
family, I desire to record to the honour of Samuel Kirk-
and his wife Mary; who sympathized with me in my
solitude, and administered a little comfit to my tribula-
ted spirit, which I offer my thanks unto the Lord my God,
who alone Has all Power, to open and shut the hearts He
Has made.

Catharine Quachemut, an Indian sister, being much
grieved at the incivility of the missionary who opposed
women’s preaching, wrote me the following letter; and
then walked eight miles to bring it.

A Letter from an Indian Squaw (woman,) addressed to
Dorothy Ripley, and received when in America. DEAR SISTER IN THE LORD,

I BELIEVE that there is but One, the Only, the Living
and True God, and that he is the Maker and Preserver of
our lives, and upholder of all things here below, and that
he sent his Only Begotten Son into this world to be the
Saviour of mankind, and that all those who believe and
confess the Lord Jesus with their mouth, and believe in
their hearts, that God the Father of our Lord Jesus did
raise him up from the dead, shall he healed by His stripes,
as thou hast very well observed to us; and I hope and
pray God, that thou mayest be the means of stirring up
our stony hearts to turn unto Him, the Living and the