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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal B)

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excellent Water that issued from to-
ward the Top of the Mountain, serv-
ed to refresh the Weary Travelers,
but no peace for them, nor the Horses,
by reason of such swarms of little
Knats. ½ past one we moved forward,
the Road excessive Stony, computed
to be 6½ Miles over, which we were
3¾ hours a going, we put up at
Hookens Just at the otherside, were
were some of the tallest Pines, Hem-
locks &c that I ever saw 17½ miles

4th :

Started about 4, after going
over a hill, had a very rough
swampy road along a Valley between
great Mountains, through such an a-
mazing thicket of Pines &c, and the
wheather being a little Cloudy, that it
looked almost dark, Cousin and I
I haveing prepared ourselves with
Stoves, while we were traveling
along before the Waggon, we heard
a noise, and looking back to see what was
the matter, we found, that as the Waggon