Mahantango Mountain, ½ an hour took us
over, we then crossed Mahantango Creek
over a high Frame Bridge, this is a longer
stream, we were then a little
with the Road turning so much easterly,
but we found it was
to lead us through
a gap in a Mountain, we have had a num-
ber of such
gaps to go through between
great Mountains, indeed for many miles
there is a very little but Mountains.
we got to a Dutch house a while
night, 10 miles, but every thing looked
so dirty, that with
their leave, we prepar-
ed out of the Waggon, our own Supper
and went
to bed, but there was our
greatest mortification, we had not
been long
in bed, before the Landlady, sent
two Men who were travelers into
Room to lodge in another Bed,
My Husband and Wm sleeping in the
as usual, we lay very quiet
and rose before day. 30 miles