some hour when the watery clouds
discharging their whitened substance
and the trees of the
forrest are clad with
the icy snow- while my mind is un-
with the cares of this life - and
my thoughts absorbed in awful
tion- may I view all temporary scenes
as fading toys, and
revere that hand
from whom all good comes- Now at
this solemn
period attend O my soul
in humility wait to be learn'd by this
inward teacher -- O my faultering
mind, how long wilt thou be
along in thy journey Heavenward. thou
hast often seen
this insufficience of hu-
man frailty therefore in full confi-
dence, rely on that Power which at sea-
sons, thou hast felt to be
And now O Lord permit me to intercede
for a renewal of
thy holy aid, that
when thou in thy wisdom may see
mete to hide,
as it were, thy face from