me I may be enabled, in patience
and humility to wait for thy coming;
and when thou art pleased to be
and feed me I may not slide from
the true path; for in thee
and thee
alone is safety.-
All things as to the out-
ward glide comfortably along but I
often to pass thro’ seasons of deep
humiliation. -- Thou only Lord knows the
anguish of my spirit and
sincerity of
my heart, that I desire above all things
to serve
thee but, the cross and the assault
of the enemy. - Will I never be
able to
overcome the many hindering things!
Thou hast at seasons O
Father clearly man-
ifested to me thy will-- and sweet peace
accompanied faithfulness thereto
Then Oh my soul why dost thou
dwell low; in humility wait. let not
thy faith fail, that
so in the littleness thou
mayest be enabled to do the Lords