10th mo. 28th
To cellar dug and stoned by the job
stone drawn lime found
45 00
finished 26th
of 11 mo.
board of workman
17 50
hired hand 3 days
1 88
box of Glass and a half
4 84
2 lb of putty
0 25
paint and oil
1 00
10 pounds of cut nails at yd per pound
0 83+
1 six light sash
0 27
4th mo 27th
30 lb of 3d nails
2 50
20 lb 4d do
1 44
20 lb 12d do.
1 44
35 lb 2
2 55
35 lb 8d do
2 55
10th mo. 4th
4 lb of cut nails
0 33
1 lb of white sead
0 17
8 lb of putty
0 75
100 cwt cut Iron for Manttetrees crane
eyes cranes and other
6 00
3 locks
1 88
10th mo 20th
12 light sash for cellar
0 75
1 thunb latch
0 50
1 31
9 pair of buts
1 21
1 gross 1 1/2 screws
0 83
1 do 5/8
0 50
4 lb of 8d wrought nails
0 75
2000 ft of pine stuff
Team to draw it
2 00
37 bushels of lime
4 63
Team to draw lime
2 00
3130 bricks
12 62 1/2
drawing brick
6 00
Cash paid for drawing logs for lath
3 19
Masons bill
21 00
masons board
4 50
Hand to tend mason 14 days and 6 days
drawing sand sifting
lime and
mixing mortar before hand
board for hand
3 75
Carpenters bill
61 25
20 00
10th mo 31st
A stove and Pipe for the childrens
workroom purchased by the
advice of
the sb committee
20 42
The whole amount
6th mo 4th
Recieved of john Barrow
Committee on the Indian concern to be
applyed in building and repairing 300.00 An old ox taken late in the fall of 1823
belonging to the concern dear at 20.00 One yoke of old oxen taken in the spring
of 1825 prized by Wm. Willits
during the greatest part of the Season 340.00
Examined by Wm. P. Barling