No. 10
the Missionaries would not grow tired
for Indian children not fast to
learn and
sometimes no ear to hear good words, sometimes
no eye to
see the good it will be to him to
learn to talk, read, write and work
white man; they were very glad we
learned them to work,
as well as read for
these Indian children learned to live as well
as think; many said my visit had
reminded them of many years
past, when
Friends labored among them, and wished
I would talk with
the Friends of New York
Organization Information
an Philadelphia
Organization Information
help them in establishing a manual
labor boarding school, for it was just
what they needed, and these Indian
would progress faster in the path of
civilization, and with tears in their
eyes, expressed a hope that they should hear
from me again.
The Senecas
Organization Information
to adopt the form of government recom-
mended by the State Legislature, and I
was glad to find a number of educated
men among them capable of carrying out
the laws and regulations for the general good
of the nation. On each reservation I found
some industrious and enterprising men,
who had houses and lands to rent, and
had also comfortable homes for their own
families; and in this way the white men
mingle among them, sometimes to their adva-
ntage; bust mostly to their disadvantage;
it is in this channel that dealers in dry-goods