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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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used great exertions to get many of the Cheifs to go to this place and prevailed
on some, with money--and others under the influence of ardent spirits was
prevailed on to sign the pretended treaty. They offered large sums of money
to many of the Cheifs who refused it, and remain uncorrupted by the
offer of their bribes. We told those who had signed the treaty that the
council is now closed and you now think you have sold our lands
but we are determined to hold our rights. You may sell your
proportion according to your number. But we shall none of our land.
But the Commissioner did not go as he said. He stayed two days
after the Council was closed, and his books were open all that time
and when the Augden Co

used all their influence to weaken our
party by offering large sums of money to induce them to sign the
treaty--on the third day in the afternoon the Commissioner left the
reservation, and went to Buffalo, and held a select Council with
those Indians who had signed the treaty. The Augden Co, knowing
our Agent had withheld our annuity from us, and that we intended
to send a delegation to Washington and supposing we should be
necessiated to hire money to defray the expences of our delegates
went forward to all those they thought would be likely to accomo-
date us, and by their influence prevented our getting any for that

Brothers, we have no more to say on the foregoing subject

Brothers, we and our People are well, and our friends residing
at Tunesassah

are also well. Brothers, our hearts are pained
therefore we remember you, and aim to let you know our distress
our necessity induces to ask assistance of our friends.
We have prevailed on James Robertson to go to Washington for
us. He will stop and see you on his Journey--in order to be
advised by you who to apply to at Washington for assistance
and we think it is not likely we shall be able to raise money
enough to defray his expences while there--and would ask
you to lend him as much as he may need. Our Agent says
we shall have our annuity in the 6th mo. when we got that we will
pay you, and will pay you what you think is right for the use of it
we will hold ourselves accountable for whatever amount you may
think proper to let James Robertson have for that purpose. We
are determined to stay where we are, and enjoy our old homes
we hold the same minds we were of when our friends Enoch
and Joseph Elkinton visited us last fall. Brothers we beleive
the love you have felt towards us emenated from the Great Spirit
and we beg the Great Spirit to preserve you and us, and protect
us in our rights. There is 16 Cheifs on this reservation, two of
which have joined the emigration party. The Tonewanda Indi-
are all firmly opposed to selling their land. At Buffalo
reservation there is a majority of the Cheifs in favour of selling but
the warriors are mostly opposed to it, the same may be said of Cat-
reservation. There has 92 warriors of this reservation
signed the remonstrance and added the number of each family
to--making in all 700 souls, the Cheifs having signed it at

This from your friends and Red Brothers.
(Copy) their marks
Governor X Blacksnake James X Robertson John X Peirce Sky X Pierce Tunis X Halftown William X Patterson Charles X Obeal George X Killbuck David X Snow Isaac X Halftown Jacob X Blacksmith Moses X Peirce Captain X Jones Robert X Watt Benjamin X Williams