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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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the production disclosed.

There are but few of the signers who
are known to me as chiefs; and all of them must have
been grossly imposed upon, by some designing villian,
with a view to embarrass the executive, as well as to harrass
and injure the proprietors. In addition to this, it must
have been done by some person totally ignorant of the
Indians, or destitute of all regard for veracity, if an
opinion in that respect can be formed from the ab-
surdity of the statements which were made. It will
be seen from the memorial, that 2606 are opposed to
the Treaty--430 in favor of it--3036 in all, who must
be at least old enough, to express an opinion as to
the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the
sale of their lands, when in truth, the whole seneca

does not number 3000 souls.

In regard to the language imputed
to me, I can only say, it was never used, now did I
ever hold a private conversation with Red Jacket

the subject of the Treaty, as stated by him: but a
short time previous to the assemblage of the Chiefs, I
did something in the manner set forth, decline an interview
for reasons obvious to every one, who knows the man as
well as I do.

No threats were used to induce a sale,
nor did Mr. Greig

intimate a wish or expectiation of
purchasing, but by the voluntary consent of the chiefs,
who were distinctly informed, and well understood, that
the Government would protect them in their possessions.
They had no apprehension of an ultimate failure of
that protection, nor was there on the part of Mr. Greig,
the remotest insinuation, that coercive measures would
be resulted to. I heard none of the expressions alledged
to have been made by Mess. Parrish Jones & Clute, and
my implicit belief is, the charges against them have
no foundation in truth.

Doc. Jamieson

, an educated native
of great respectability attended the treaty, and was employ-
ed by me as an interpreter. He is now at Green
Bay with a number of the Seneca Chiefs, and will
probably attend the treaty, to be held by Governor
Cass in the vicinity of that place. Soon as he