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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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Letters in relation to the Treaty

Department of War,
Off: Ind: Affaires,
14th August 1827.

I have the honor, by direction of the
Secretary of War, to acknowledge the receipt
of your letter of the 8th instant, enclosing a com-
munication from Mess. Parsons

and Hicks, rela-
tive to the proceedings at the late treaty with the
Seneca Indians in New York.

The treaty referred to was held with the appro-
bation of the Department, and Judge Forward

was duly
authorized to attend it, on the part of the Government,
and the Secretary directs me to enclose to you for
your information, the enclosed copies of letters received
from Judge Forward and Capt. Parrish, the sub Indian
agent, which, it is believed, contain a correct statement
of the proceedings at said treaty, and afford a satis-
factory vindication of their fairness.

I have the honor to be,
Your Mo. Obd. Serv. Sam. S. Hamilton.
To Mess.
P. E. Thomas
Tho. Ellicott