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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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darkness. And learn and children to read and till the ground
and our women to spin and make cloth. We wish if you
will to take three of our boys and learn them, one to be
a Blacksmith and two to read and write. We want them
sent away off. We wish to hear from you. We want to
know what you think about what we say.

John Fopp Blue sky Capt. Jimmy Jimmy Johnson John Luke Chiefs of the
Tonnewanta Creek Dated at
Tonnewonta Village
the 18th of 5th Mo. 1826

Communicated to
Charles Willis

Jesse P. Haines

Copies of Letters in relation to Treaty with
the Seneca Nation, at Buffalo--Red Jacket, &c

Canandaigua 20th April 1827.

A copy of Letter to Col. Thomas L. McKinney
from Joseph Parrish, sub Agent

I received some time ago your letter of the 5th inst. covering
the copy of a Remonstrance of Red Jacket

and other Indians of the
Seneca Nation to Gov. Clinton against the late treaty of Cession
entered into between the Seneca Nation and the owners of the
Pre-emptive Right of their Reservations.

I would have replied sooner to your communications, but
the state of my health had been suvh as to feel it out of my
power to attend to any business until now.

I have been acquainted with all the negotiations
which have taken place for the last Eight or ten years
between the Proprietors of the Preemptive Right and the Indians
and have been present at various meetings of the Indians for
the consideration of the same. The matter was fully and de-
liberately discussed among the Indians at various Councils;
and when the treaty was concluded at Buffalo

in August last
it was done with as much unanimity and as much to the
satisfaction of the influential Chiefs & Nations as any treaty I
have ever witnessed. It was signed & assented to by every
chief who was present & by Red Jacket as well as the .

He had opposed it, but when at last the terms of the Purchase
were agreed to, he was not only willing, but insisted on his right