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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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are in unison with the public policy on this question, and
so plain and palpable is the necessity of the speedy removal
of the Indians from the Buffalo

and Tonnewanta Reservations
that there would be no difficulty in now selling them in detail
and at extravagant prices. In fact a large and powerful
Company has offered to purchase the legal title to one of
them, with a view to take possession of the Lands not actually
cultivated by the Indians, and to hold in defiance of their
claim; but it was not thought right by my Brother, to
expose the Indians to the collisions and encroachments,
which such a Sale would necessarily subject them to,
and the offer was therefore declined.

I am very respectfully,
Your assured friend T. L. Ogden
Thomas Eddy Esq.