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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

Page out of 220

If not, the reserved Lands on the Allegany

, amounting to
upwards of 20,000 Acres appear to me best calculated for
their residence. These Lands are very fertile, they skirt
both banks of the river for a great distance, and lie at the
foot of high and rough mountains, which are little calcu-
lated to invite settlements. There the Indians would be
in a manner insulated; and their annuities (increased
by the sale of the other Tracts) would furnish means to
provide Clothing, Farming Implements, and other com-
forts connected with civilized life. As the General Gov
have offered the Indians a Tract of Country
to the South West, understood to be very favourably situ-
ated, and a great part of the Nation seems bent on remo-
val, it would perhaps be most advisable, even if they
should accept that offer, that one of the reservations be
retained for the accomodation of those who may be averse
to that measure, and such as incline to remain, may be
allowed to contiunue on the Lands they cultivate till they find
it convenient to leave them. The comparative advantages
of the old and new Establishments will be ascertained in the
course of a few years, and the fostering care of the benevolent
can then be bestowed on that which may be found most eligible.

In the general view which you and other friends of
these Indians may take of their condition and prospects
it would be improvided to overlook those considerations
of Public Policy and convenience which are inseparably
connected with the subject. The sentiments contained
in President Monroe

's Message, as well as those undertood
to be entertained by our State Government seem to forbid
equally the long continuance of a state of things by which
an extensive Wilderness is to be preserved in the heart of
Population and Improvement, and a property which to
add to the public resources and prosperity is made to
interfere with both. Individual feelings and interests