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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

Page out of 220
New York 5 mo 22 1817 To Friends in London Dear Friends

We have been appointed by the Com-
mittee of the Y.M. of New York

on Indian Affairs to com-
municate to you, &, as you may see fit, to other Friends
or to the Meeting for Sufferings in London some impres-
sions that have been entertained by the Committee in re-
lation to the Indians in Upper Canada.

From information given to our Committee by
friends who have traveled considerably thru in the upper
province, on religious appointments services, as well as the more
direct Statements containd in letters from that quarter
we are persuaded that some of the tribes in that country
are very suitable objects for benevolent exertion. One of
those tribes, (the Messasagues

,) whose habits are migratory
& unsettled, are described as holding a very low rank
in the Scale of human intelligence; and their sufferings
in the & hardships are in consequence extremely severe. There
is also a body of Indians settled mostly on Grand river
composd of the remains of the Six nations, & likewise an
establishment of Mohawks in the vicinity of Adolphus
where friends reside. These tribes it is believed would be