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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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A Coppy of a Letter to Joseph Frost from the Natives of

Newstockbridge 5th Mo. 22 1812 Respected friend

This will serve to inform thee that
agreably to thy instructions we call'd a council yesterday & there
ware many colected of the most understanding women in this Town
together with some of the principal Chiefs of the Nation: & they
unanimously manifested their anxiety for having a Spnning School
established in our said Town; There ware a number who have Chril-
dren who ware so anxious that they promised to attend themselves
in order that as soon as they become acquainted with the art they
could then teach their Chrildren themselves; We have agreed that
Mary Dockstoder

(alias Peters) should teach the said part of spinning
& for none to have the privilege but those who are intirely ignorant
of the same; It is not our expectation that many at present will
attend on acount of the hurrying time of business but a number from
seven to twelve thirteen years will attend & others so soon as they get
through planting &c; Elisabeth Seth has agreably to thy instructions
Destributed the two bushels of flaxseed among ten famelies.

We would further add in regard to said spining school that we have
agreed upon twelve to attend said shool but there
are many more would be willing to attend
provided they could be accommodatied for said
business. We also were united in thinking that
we had very great reasons to be thankful to that
great and good Spirit for opening the
heart of our white brethren and sisters to give
not only their good advice unto us from time
to time; but likewise for the repeated favours
they have confered upon us.

We would wish to be remembered to the Mem-
bers composing the Committee and our sincere
and hearty thanks for their continued thanks