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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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another thing which I have Considered a little has prodused
some concern on my mind Respecting a Famely's living among
them, many things present to view, which when Duely considered
will make the undertaking apear a great one, serounded as these People
are with People of Different Denominations who we may beleave
to be under as heavy a yoke & as Dark a Cloud as the Natives; these will
be watching and looking at a famely placed in so public a situation
and will be viseted by Mishonrys and others of information--some we
may beleave will inquire seriously, others will seek an oration against
us--as these things have turned in my mind great care has apeared
to be needfull--now as it Respects their agricultureal improvements
I beleave upon examination it will apear that those who have not had
a famely to enstruct them, have improved as fast as those that have
had this advantage; not that I impute this to any Neglect in those
who have lived among them--I only mention things as they
apear to me. That the Commity may consider what steps would be best
to take in . I still beleave it would be a safe set if a select
Committy to Cosist of not less then three ware to be apointed who would
be willing to mak those Natives a thourrough viset and gain what
information they can and their prospects be laid before the Commity
for further Consideration

all which I in love Submit
from thy affectionate Friend Joseph FrostNewhartford 16th of 5 Month 1812