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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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You non e talach Ieong Tulios Abraham Brand
Onondago 8th April 1811
To the Friends or Quakers
at New York To the care
of our friend residing at
the Oneida Castle


Brothers and Sisters of the Onandago Tribe
Friends and Brothers

Your letter was read in
our Council, and our hearts were made glad
to find you had listened to the voice of the great
Spirit in leaving off strong drink. We hope you
will continue on this good resolution, daily seeking
to the great Spirit to strengthen you in it

Brothers we are glad you have got your
eyes opened to see what is good for you, and that
it is right and honorable to cultivate the Earth, so
that you and your families may live comfortably

Sisters We want you to help forward this
good work, not only by encouraging the Men to be
sober and industrious, but by being so yourselves
doing your part of the business, by learning to
spin, weave make clothing for yourselves and
families, and keeping your houses and all
around you neat and clean. Brothers and
Sisters We wish you would be careful to
bring up your Children well teach them to
hearken to what the Good Spirit says in their
hearts to love one another, to be Industrious
The sons to help their Fathers plough, hoe, and
raise grain, and the daughters to assist their
Mothers in things about the House such as
spinning, weaving, sewing and keeping all clean
and in good order so that when old age comes upon
the Fathers, and Mothers the children by their
Iddustry and good conduct may make them
comfortable by their fire sides

As we want to encourage you in
your good resolutions, we have desired our
friends to go and see you and they will
assist you by lending you such oxen & Farming utensils as you stand in need of
of which we desire you will take good care

We are your Friends
Signed on behalf of the Committee
of the yearly meeting of Friends of New
31st of 5th Month 1811