Copy of Letter on page 9.
Copy of
a Letter from the OnondagaOrganization Information
Indians, to the Yearly
Meeting of Friends in New
YorkOrganization Information .
Friends & Brothers,
We have heard from your Council-Fire once
more. We heard that you wanted to
know whether we
the Onondagas
We have left off a long time ago; you told us to
leave off, the Great Spirit
told us to leave off: we have
listened to His voice; there are some who
visit us from
the Oneidas
our good advice.
We are in want of Cattle, Chains, Ploughs, and all
kinds of
Farming-utensils; you have told us you would
help us; we were glad to hear
you were willing to help us.
We are in want of Black-Smiths, Carpenters and
Mechanics: We want to teach our Children to work:
we have opened our Eyes,
we now see we must work, we
are willing to work: we begin to raise Wheat,
and will
do more if we can get help.
A part of our Tribe lives at Buffalo