At a Meeting of the Committee on the Indian
Concern held in New York 28th of 5 mo 1815
, or a
suitable friend to advise and assist them in their
concerns, reported that they had given ihereto, but
had not succeeded in the objects of their enquiry:
the subject is continued under the care of James
Gideon Seaman, John
Murray, Thomas
Isaac Thorn, Zebulon
Haxsee & Charles
reported that it had claimed
their attention, but that no arrangement relative
Concern held in New York
Place Information
The Members generally present we have also
the company of several Friends of
the neighbouring
Yearly Meetings
The Committee appointed to procure a
Teacher to reside amongst the Oneidas
Organization Information
suitable friend to advise and assist them in their
concerns, reported that they had given ihereto, but
had not succeeded in the objects of their enquiry:
the subject is continued under the care of James
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
The Committee appointed to attend to the Gore
of land in Oneida
Place Information
their attention, but that no arrangement relative