one of their own Tribe appears willing to take
charge of a
School for instructing others in these
arts; and we directed some
materials to be
procured accordingly The oxen & farming
utensils heretofore furnished to this Tribe appear
to have been
useful, and for which they expressed
their gratitude: on enquiry we
understood they were
still in good repair, and likely to last the
season; but finding that they stood in need of a
more Carpenter's tools, we directed them procured
in order as they
stated to accommodate them
in building their houses and barns,
making their
own ploughs
The Onondago Tribe
the purpose as they said of returning thanks
to the Great Spirit for favours received, and
exhorting one another to refrain from evil practices
and to persevere in well doin; we were informed
it is their practice thus to meet four times in the
year. They still refrain almost entirely from
the use of ardent Spirits, and are gradually