of the information contained in the preceding
placed the subject under the care of a Special
mittee, with instructions to take such steps as
appear to them best calculated to carry into effect
the concern
of the Yearly Meeting for ameliorating the
condition of this part of the
human family. The objects
claiming the attention
of the Committee have been to
impress on the minds of the
Indians such a knowledge of the
Supreme Being and of the
teachings of his Grace as they
appeared to be capable of
receiving to dissuade them from
the use of ardent spirits;
to encourage habits of industry
in the cultivation of their
lands; to give them a knowledge
of some of the most
useful mechanic arts, and to afford
instruction to their
children in School learning; with
these views frequent
visits have been made them, and
working Cattle and
many implements of husbandry have been
from time
to time furnished them and assistance rendered
building grist and saw mills. In order to
facilitate their agricultural pursuits and general
improvement, it was deemed proper to place families
in some
of the Tribes, and several families of Friends
being so
much interested in the welfare of the Indians
as to be
willing to reside amongst them, were settled
By the reports of the Friends appointed
from time to time to
visit the different Tribes, it appears,
that although
considerable endeavours have been used