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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1

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encouragement from friends of Philadelphia

of being
furnished with the means of cultivating their lands, &
when they found the Oneidas were assisted they expected
we would extend our kindness towards them

What is worthy of remark as relates to the Onondagas

is, that they were formerly as noted for their savage
manners & great intemperance as they are now for
their gentleness & sobriety of conduct; the Interpreter
informed us, they had been universally, men & women
given up to the excessive use of strong drink, so that
all prospect of civilizing them appeared to be impractica
ble: this great change affords rational grounds
for encouragement, that the endeavors of friends to
promote the welfare of this people may be attended
with success

As way did not open to pay a visit to the

Tribe & having met with several of their
women on the road, it was concluded that it might
afford relief to th minds of our two women friends
for them to send an address to their females, one
was accordingly prepared & sent

Onondago 7 mo 29 1809
signd Jn. Murray Ju Catharine Murray
Jemima Bunken