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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1

Page out of 174

Report to the Yearly Meetg. see 2d page back.

To the Yearly Meeting

The Committee on the concern relative to the Indians
have not been unmindful of the trust reported in them,
and although the progress of this people in civilization and
moral improvement may not be equal to our solicitude
for their welfare, yet we continue impressed with a sense of
the ratitude of the cause, and
of our duty to move in it as
way may open in the clearness. Since our last report a
visit has been made by four of our number to the

, Stockbridge & Oneida Tribes, in each of
which there were individuals of both sexes who were disposed
to lead lives of sobriety & industry, although some of the
men were habituated to intemperance, hence they neglected
the cultivation of their lands & the mechanic arts.

At Brothertown

the residence of John Dean & his family
there is a prospect of thier becoming a more improved
people, and from the report of the Committee we are
induced to believe that the endeavors of our said friend
& his family will prove useful in divers respects.

In the Stockbridge Tribe

as heretofore it may be