Our attention minds being at this time solidly
with solicitude for the promotion and welfare of our Indian
brethren and Sisters, and a renewal of concern is witnessed
for them in
their tried situations; which led to the prospect
of usefulness that may
result from the appointment of a
few friends to make another visit to
those Tribes which
have particularly demanded our care, including Stockbridge
following friends are appointed separated- Viz James Mott
Isaac Thorne Jun
who are requested to attend thereto as early as way shall
open for them, and endeavour to afford them such ad
vice and assistance as they may feel themselves qualified
for; they are also instructed with our letter directed to
part of the Oneida Tribe
them at a suitable opportunity
The Clerk is directed to furnish the Committee with
a copy of the foregoing
The Committee thereto appointed now produced an essay
of a
report to the yearly Meeting, which was read, and with