preserve and promote Peace and Good-Will
amongst all
Our Grand-fathers and friend Onas
were careful in their Day to
preserve Peace and Love with
their Brothers the Indians--We their Children
Successors endeavour to do the Same--and we are happy
when we can
prevail on the People to be kind
and do Good and not Evil to one
We pity the Indians--as well as
the White People when they are
brought into Suffering and
Distress--and would do them all the Good in our
--and we hope the Great and Good Spirit will pour in into
Hearts of the great Men of the United States, and
your great Men--to adjust
and compromise all their
Differences -- that Human Blood may no
stain the Ground, nor the Rivers..
We hope you will receive our Friends
and Brothers David Bacon
kindly as if they were ourselves
you may safely confide in them. We have known them
many Years, and know they have good hearts.
We have put under their Care a small token
of Love for You--as the Descendents of the first
Inhabitants of this Land of North America
whom our forefathers found here after they had crossd
the great Water--and we hope desiring the Chain