respectable Characters of both
Men and Women, at the close of which,
a Chief on the behalf of
the Men pre-
-sent made a pretty lengthy Speech, in
expressing their thankful-
-ness to the good Spirit who had put
into our hearts to remember
them when at a great distance, and
preserved us in our way thither;
that they felt themselves much
-thened by our good Words, that they
were sensible they had
done that which
was not right, yet hoped by the help
of the good
Spirit they would do better for
the future, and they Wished the Qua-
-kers, would continue to remember
them, for they had found them to be
true Men, and that the realy had
the poor Indians good at Heart, and
wished that the good Spirit would safely pre-
-serve us on our
way home to our fa-
milies and friends. Then after a short
pause, a
Woman on behalf of the Wo-