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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey into Indian Country

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the right of the Onadaga Salt Works

a place where there are a large number
of Salt Springs, in a Marshy, Boggy
bottom, we were informed 500 men are at
times employed at these works, and that
Salt may be had there for 62 cents Per
Bushel, and that all the Northern and
Western Country, and much of upper Cana-
-da is pretty much Supplyed therefrom.

from From this Stage to the Oneida Vil-

12 miles, in about one mile we
passed by a well improved farm, with
a good house, Barn, and other building[s]
and a large proportion of good Timo-
-thy Meadow belonging to, and in the
possession of an Idian Indian, he keeps
Tavern, has his Sign hanging up out as
common at Public houses from thence to the Village
mostly Woods, the few settlement there were,
was, one or two excepted, was put up this
Spring, being small, rough, and very open,
about 6 in the Evening, we arrived at our
friends settlement, found them all well, &
very glad to see us. William Gregory, his