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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey into Indian Country

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to build a House, for Rails, and for fire-
-Wood, to which they readily consented, say-
-ing, they would be very glad they would cut
all the Trees down, and further Liberty
they would give them, if they saw a Buck
swimming across the River, or running
through the Woods they might shoot him
or if they saw any fish in the River they
might cath catch them, we then returned
down the River with Cornplanter

to his Village


This Morning resumed the consideration of what farther pro-
-positions we should make to these people
in order to their additional encourag-
-ment in Civilization and Aggreculture,
and mutually agreed upon some, which will
be inserted in their proper place. –-

This afternoon Cornplanter

presented us
with several kinds of seed Corn suitable for
this Climet; divers kinds of beans, and
Garden seeds, such as Watermelons, Pump-
-kins, Cucumbers &c with a quantity of
Potatoes for to Plant, these he said had been
sent in from the different houses as a
blessing to begin with, we thought the
hearty good will with which these were
presented manifested a full approba-
-tion with our undertaking, there were
more of each sort, except potatoes than we