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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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James Crawford

, Enoch Scrigley, Samuel Taylor,
Ezekiel Dennis, and several others.


We now began to prepare to leave this part
of the country. This morning the other Friends
came to me at Benjamin Willson

's. Jasper Parrish
we hear is very poorly at the landing, not able to
return. We felt loth to leave him, but understand-
ing general Chapin, with whom he has his home, is
expected to be here in about a week, we were the
more easy to leave him.


John Elliott

now bravely, though weak,
seems very willing to move forward. We waited
this morning for Abraham Laing, a young man who
is going to the States, and is very desirous of our
company. Then went to Powell's, and thence to
Windecker's, the ferryman, where Abraham Laing
came to us — we crossed over and went three miles
to Cornelius Winney's, at Buffalo creek. Here we
stayed, as there is no house between this and the
Genesee, which is called seventy-five miles.

9th mo. 1st.

First-day. Set out early for Gene-

— rode about forty miles; night came on, and we
halted by the side of a small brook, and began to
make preparation for a shelter, but a cloud came on
with heavy thunder and rain. We made out to get
a fire kindled, which was a comfort to us; but we
got very wet. The wind being high, several trees
fell near us, which was somewhat alarming. The
gust held about two hours, and then cleared up with
bright starlight the remainder of the night. We all
lay before the fire, in the best manner we could, in
our wet situation, got some sleep, but were some
what afflicted with the musketoes. On the whole,
we thought ourselves much favoured.