ny walked yesterday to the spring about three miles
below the
town, where they had a satisfactory op-
portunity with some Oneida Indians
camped there. They seem jointly concerned with
us for the accomplishment of peace. This day we
were all together in the arbour in the colonel's gar-
den, looking over some writings on Indian affairs.
To this place we frequently resort, as it is retired
and pleasant — being indulged with this privilege by
invitation from the colonel soon after our arrival
The harbour is now clear of shipping. —
We are anxiously waiting the
arrival of the Dun-
more, by which we expect the commissioners, or to
hear from them, hoping our detention here will be
shortly closed by our
going on to Sandusky
turning to Fort Erie
we desire humbly to submit to the wise Disposer of
First of the week. We held a meeting in
the sail loft at the tenth hour,
which was a favour-
ed time, it being large and solid. Soon after our
turn, we heard of the arrival of the Dunmore at the
mouth of the
river, by a passenger who came in her,
and that the commissioners are on
board, expecting
to go forward soon to Sandusky
we had another comfortable meeting, crowned as
we thought, with the Master's good presence. And
now it looks likely to be a parting one, — the peo-
ple behaved with remarkable quietness — manifest-
ing much respect to us. I believe there are a few
tender-hearted ones in this place that will remember
us, and I hope we shall not forget them; — though it
is sorrowful to behold the power and influence that