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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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best we could in our present circumstances. Various
reports are daily coming in, with respect to the In-
dians' disposition. We much desire an opportunity
with them in council, if it could be come at proper-
ly, whether the commissioners come or not. The
opinion of many is, there will be no general treaty.
We received a letter from colonel M'Kee

in answer
to one written him some time ago; — says he will at-
tend to our request, and give us every intelligence
he apprehends necessary; — and yesterday, one from
captain Hendricks, at the rapids of Miami, request-
ing some favours from us, — which were granted.
And truly we have many requests, that in our pre-
sent circumstances we are not able to comply with
to the full. Hendricks' account is more favourable
than some others we have had. He expresses a
hope there will be a peace. The general cry among
the gentlemen and more knowing inhabitants of this
place is, for God's sake, gentlemen, don't venture
yourselves to Sandusky. This we believe is from
motives of entire friendship and good will to us,
and makes it at times very trying. And though we
have not felt any slavish fears — yet hope to move
cautiously, as wisdom, which is profitable to direct,
may point out the way. One of the Indians, a De-
, that brought captain Hendricks' letter, says
the western Indians keep their runners constantly
out to watch the motion of general Wayne's army,
from whom they have some fearful apprehensions;
which we hope are groundless.


We had a visit from captain Blue Jacket

, a
principal warrior among the Shawnese. He was in
command at the defeat of St. Clair's army. He was
richly dressed. His appearance is lofty and mascu-