wishing us success in our laudable undertaking; as-
suring us,
that nothing should be wanting that lay
in their power, to render us happy
and comfortable.
The commandant said, that if he apprehended dan-
at any time, he should lay his commands on us
not to depart the place. But,
although we sought
not the protection of military power, we were not
insensible of his great good will towards us, which
we were not wanting to
Visits from the Indians are almost every day re-
peated, by different tribes
constantly coming in,
, this being the thoroughfare for all the northern
dians. It would be difficult to describe the various
they make, and languages they speak.
It is wonderful to find the vast
expense the British
num. Here are agents appointed, that are daily
giving out large quantities of provision, &c.
This day had a visit from a Wyandot
who appeared to have much concern respecting the
approaching treaty, and mentioned the remem-
brance of some long and broad belts that were given
out in former treaties, intended to bind us by the
hands and arms, so that no small accident in future
should be able to make a separation; and, notwith-
standing all that had happened, they (the Wyan-
hoped we would find it so at the general council;
but could speak for none but themselves. We as-
sured him we had the same love and friendship for
them and all others, as our forefathers had, and that
our principles had always restrained us from war;
and when we believed the government was disposed