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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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supply of goods is taken up with canoes, &c. by
many hundred men to the Portage

, where they ex-
change commodities to a very great amount. Thus
goes on the trade from year to year. The men in
the north live principally on fish, and the flesh of
beasts of divers kinds, without bread or salt, and
when they return appear as robust and healthy, and
even more so than those who live on the greatest
delicacies. The principal fish in Lake Superior are
the white fish and salmon trout, which are fine
and delicate: we have eat of them, brought fresh from
the lake to this place in six days.

We understand one M'Kenzie

is now out with
ten men, exploring the North-west Territory : he
once attempted it before; was out more than a year,
and discovered large frozen waters in the north, but,
whether lakes or ocean, he knew not — supposed the
latter, the water being salt.

Captain Drake

, by his own account, had been se-
veral voyages to Africa, in the horrid business of
fetching slaves, which he now very much condemns.
He told us many curious tales; — and is certainly
a very temperate man with respect to drink, taking
nothing but water — a rare instance in a seafaring
man. Happy would it be for many thousands in
the world, were his example followed in that re-
spect; families would be preserved from ruin and
distress, morality increase, the poor Indians be
saved from many acts of violence, and the end of
our creation be more fully answered by honouring
God, our Creator.


We are frequently visited by the officers of
this place, both civil and military, who appear
friendly, and treat us with much respect, often