mences; so that we find patience very necessary to
exercised. We hear many sentiments expressed,
some favourable and some
otherwise. Hope our
minds may not be diverted by either from that
ble dependence on the omnipotent Arm of power,
under whose banner,
I trust, we have enlisted in the
righteous cause of peace-makers.
Took a walk down the bank of the river,
about three miles to a fine spring,
of which there
are few hereabouts. The inhabitants mostly use the
river water, which is said to be very wholesome.
The banks of this river
for many miles above and
below the town, are very thickly settled,
with French, who have fine orchards and meadows,
and good wheat
growing. Their grain is mostly
manufactured by wind-mills, of which there
many in sight. The inhabitants of the town are as
great a mixture,
I think, as I ever knew in any one
place. English, Scotch, Irish, Dutch,
French, Ame-
ricans from different states, with black and yellow,
seldom clear of Indians of different tribes in the
day time. These are all
turned out by nine o'clock
at night, and the gates are shut — sentries are
constantly in various parts round tire town, which is
with high pickets. There is no place of wor-
ship except one Roman Catholic
large ships employed on these waters, some of which
are from one hundred to one hundred and fifty tons
burden; they sail up to Michillimackinac
hundred miles from this place, and return with
abundance of peltry — the staple commodity of this
dined with the commandant, colonel Richard Eng-