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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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an Indian settlement of about eighty families, who
received them kindly.


and first of the week, we held a meeting about
four miles from the landing, in a large barn, of which
previous notice had been given. The collection was
large, and proved a solid opportunity. I hope it
tended to the advancement of our religious testimo-
ny. Divers Friends came many miles to attend it.
After which, William Savery

and William Harts-
returned to our camp, in order to send for-
ward our baggage to-morrow to the upper landing
above the Falls. John Parrish, Jacob Lindley,John
, and myself, went to Jeremiah Moore's and
dined — thence to William Lundy's and lodged. Es-
quire Burch
was at meeting, and kept company with
us thus far.


Went on to esquire Burch

's, where we dined.
Bought three barrels of flour and sent forward to
Chipaway, to be carried on with the rest of our
baggage, to Fort Erie. John Parrish, John Elliott
, and myself, rode up the river about seven miles and
lodged at our friend Richardsun's. Next morning
went to Benjamin Willson's, whose wife is a near
relation of mine. Benjamin went with us six miles
to the Fort. Here are the king's stores, and a har-
bour for shipping — several topsail vessels were then
lying here. We went on board the Dunmore, cap-
tain Ford
, bound to Detroit. The cabin passengers
besides ourselves were Robert Inne, Newman
and servant, Richard Hillery and servant, Dr. Wil-
liam M'Casky
, John Heckevvelder and William
. These, with the sailors and marines(be
ing a king's ship) and about sixty Indians of four
different tribes bound to the treaty, made our whole