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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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friend William Lundy's

, where we were kindly en-
tertained, and spent most of the next day.


Being first of the week, and having appoint-
ed a meeting to be held here at the eleventh hour;
about the time there attended a pretty large collection
of people, more than the house could contain. We
thought it a favoured opportunity. After dinner we
had a solid opportunity with the family and divers
friends who had stayed with us. Then went about six
miles to our friend John Hill's

, who, with his wife,
had been at the meeting. Here we were kindly en-
tertained and lodged. In the morning, had a solid
opportunity with the family, and set out for Navy
, a messenger having been sent to invite us to
dine with the governor. He appears to be a plain
man, and remarkably easy of access. At table we
had the company of the commissioners, colonel But-
, majors Little, Hales, &c. The governor, when
we were walking in his garden, said our coming for-
ward at this time, did our society great honour. To-
ward evening we rode up the lake about two miles
to landlord Peacock's, and lodged.


We went up the lake twelve miles to Ben-
jamin Paulin

's and his brother Jesse's — our friend,
John Parrish, having a letter from their connexions in
Philadelphia. Here we were kindly entertained. In
the woods we came through, we observed the great-
est quantity of pigeons, I think I ever saw; they
were flying up the lake, being chiefly young ones,
and very fat. The people take abundance of them
with clubs, poles, &c.


The weather has been warm and dry since
the time of our arrival in this country. I continue
very poorly, but went three miles to our friend John