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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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our horses as before. The following day we travel-
led hard, being very desirous to reach some house
to lodge in. According to the account given us, we
rode about fifty miles, and truly we thought them
long enough. Arrived at Buffalo Creek about sun
set, and put up at landlord Winney

's; most of us
lodged on the floor and slept well; also, had plenty
of grass for the horses. The country we have pass-
ed through the last two days, is Indian lands, and
one continued wilderness. Much of the land ap-
pears very good, with a variety of timber, such as
oak, hickory, sugar maple, elm, ash, beech, linn,
pine, cherry, butternut, &c.


Rode about three miles to the ferry, nearly
opposite Fort Erie

, most of the way along the beach
of Lake Erie. Here we crossed over the outlet of
the lake, a large and strong current, landed in the
British dominions, and rode down the banks of the
river to Charles Willson's near the great falls. The
whole distance to this place is four hundred and
twenty-seven miles. In the evening, walked to
the brow of the bank to view the mighty cataract.
Next morning went again, descended a very steep
hill and walked to the rock over which the water
falls, which appears tremendous indeed. There are
rapids above the cataract that fall, it is said, fifty feet
(and it looks likely to be so) within the distance of
little more than half a mile. After satisfying our
curiosity here, the commissioners went on to gover-
nor Simcoe
's, at Navy Hall, sixteen miles. This is
nearly opposite the garrison, which stands on a point
of land in the United States. John Parrish, John
, and myself, went about two miles to our