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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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which, is abundance of excellent bottom and upland.
Having mostly kept down the river Kohockton, for
thirty miles. After refreshing ourselves, and feed-
ing our horses, rode along some excellent low lands,
and crossed the Canistiere river, at its junction with
the Chemung, or Tioga river, which we rode up,
thirteen miles, and got to Col. Lindley's a little af-
ter dark.


Set forward up the river, nine miles, to Ro-
's. Then set forward, along a tolerable road,
up Tioga, for ten or twelve miles further, when we
left the river, and ascended and descended several
rugged hills, for about nine miles, hoping to have
got to the Block-house. But the night proved very
dark, and the pine timber so high and shady, that
we could not make out the way. After alighting,
scrabbling for some distance through mud, bushes,
&c. we were obliged to give up the idea of reaching
the stage. Tied the horses to the bushes, very hun-
gry, as were ourselves also. John Parrish struck
fire, which with much difficulty, we augmented into
a blaze — blundered in the dark for wood, and at
length got a comfortable fire. Laid down in our wet
blankets and clothes; it having rained most of the
preceding day, the ground was moist.


Rose early, all in health, and rode about two
miles to the Block-house, about thirty-seven miles
from Col. Lindley's. Breakfasted, and fed our horses
well; then resumed our journey, seventeen miles, to
Kyle's, on Lycoming creek. The road mountainous
and rough. Dined, and rode fourteen miles, to Win-
's. My mare very lame, having wrenched off
two of her shoes in the mountains, forty miles back.
Here we got our horses shod, and lodged.
