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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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quarrels; therefore God had spared her to see the
sun a long time.

The land west of Genessee, belongs to the In-
dians. Robert Morris purchased the pre-emption
right of the Massachusetts State, for one hundred
and twenty thousand pounds.

We persevered up the north-west side of the Gen-
nessee river, on the ridge, above thousands of acres
of rich flats along the river below, abounding with
grass as high as a man's head on horse-back; and
when cultivated, has produced fifty bushels of wheat
per acre. Took up lodging with James Miller, at
Captain Williamson's, having rode sixteen miles. —
The road from Berry’s, here, is good. We met a
number of Indians this day, who appeared friendly.
We spoke to them by an interpreter.


Set out early — missed our road ten miles,
and had to return. Passed on through the Gennes-
see country
about twelve miles, mostly excellent
land: then over about twelve miles of mountains,
well timbered with chesnut, pine, hemlock, &c.—
Then through about seven miles of piney valley, to a
cabin of bark, where we struck up a fire after dark,
thankful to have a house of our own: which was all
the comforts we had, having nothing for ourselves
or horses, to eat.


Collected our horses, with some difficulty —
set out soon after day-light, and rode eleven miles
to Bath, the seat of Captain Williamson, a little vil-
lage, where about twelve houses have been built this
summer. Called at a public house, and got a break-
fast of good coffee. Set out after breakfast, and rode
over, and round the ends of several high, barren
mountains, sixteen miles, to the Painted Post; about