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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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reflecting on the important subject of our journey.
But on turning my mind to consider, if we had omit-
ted any thing we might have done, or what might
yet remain to be done, nothing appeared to give un-
easiness. I therefore rested satisfied in leaving it
to the Lord, who judgeth righteously; and with joy
turned mine eye homeward, willing to leave a set-
tlement so greatly dissipated with every species of
iniquity, that they appear to live almost without law,
morality, or religion.


Prosecuting our voyage on the lake — in the
afternoon, we were nearly becalmed — had a season
of solid retirement in the cabin, to our comfort and
satisfaction, though held in much contempt by others,
who were wise and good enough already, in their
own eyes.


Very little wind. Our vessel thronged, ha-
ving thirty-one passengers, exclusive of the ship's
crew, and two bears.


Our vessel glided along in the prospect of
the Looming hills, the land claimed and held by the
Delaware Indians. This day, several little birds
came on board our vessel.


This day, we could just discover both shores
from the middle of the lake. In the evening, had
some religious conversation with Capt. Ford, to


One of our sailors laid hold of a rope on the
boom of our vessel, which gave way, and he fell
over the stern into the water — being a calm time,
he recovered by laying hold of a rope thrown out
to him.

Through the favour of Divine Providence, we
came safe to anchor, about one o'clock in the morn-