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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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was mean, & attended with considerable hardship and diffi-
culty. my mind was touched with Sympathy and a tender feel-
ing for their Condition.


Reaching to Burleigh

we were fa-
voured with a solid comfortable Meeting there. Since I left Bal-
until I came here, my friend Charity Cook & her Sister Su-
from South Carolina have been in Company with me, to good
Satisfaction, we now parted: and with the friend who bore me Comp-
26th any I had a Meeting at Black-Water, which was in measure solid
and pretty large.

On the 28th. we also had a pretty comfortable
meeting at a Place called Seacock

; And the day following one at
the Western Branch; this was a time of very close searching per-
haps to some profit: I understood that two young men here
who never had been at one of our Meetings before, were consi-
derably reached & Affected.


We now came to Little River in North-Carolina

and attend-
ed a meeting there: & the next day began their Yearly Meeting
of business at the same place; The first sitting appear'd to me a low season
but in the next I thought business was conducted rather better,
& in the Sittings of this yearly Meeting, I thought there was much
condescention among friends. The testimony against the im-
proper use of Distilled Spirits & the making such Liquors hath
not risen high in this Meeting, altho' friends had the subject before them.
I was with a Committee on the revival of their discipline and