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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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in a new barn of Bn. Sleeper

's: The day following at the same place
we had one with those who professed, or had a friendly education,
which ended to my comfort and theirs also: We found them in
a tried Spot: Some who had come hither to settle, appearing in measure
friend-like, had conducted in a shameful, dishonest way, rather drunken,
and disposers of goods which were sent here damaged & of small
value; endeavouring to cheat, & take advantage of Poor People &c:
Such had left a stink behind them, and caused the way of Truth
to be evilly spoken of, to the grief of some tender spirited little ones.
O the mischief and wrongs some Traders are guilty of, profess what
they may, who send into those new Countries, Old Shops Goods, not
easily to be sold in more populous Places; in this manner defraud-
ing & oppressing Poor people & new Settlers; Will not the Cry of these
corrupt deeds reach the ears of Heaven's King, and call for a scourge
on the workers of such Iniquity. Having been an Eye wit-
ness & mourner on these accounts, or having cause to believe the
Truth of such Complaints, I think I shall not stand clear in my
duty, without making, and leaving remarks as things occur.

On first day the 19th. had a Solid quiet Meeting in the barn
above mention'd which I thought ended to the honour of Truth: This
was supposed to be the largest gathering ever known in these parts